How do you look at your wife?

“Look at how he looks at her,” I leaned over and whispered to my wife in the middle of the sermon.

Over the last few weeks the pastor at Manna Church in Fayetteville has been giving a sermon series with his wife.  Last week I noticed a look in his eye and for a few minutes as he was transfixed on her, I stopped listening to the message altogether.

I started to think about the times that I have seen men look at their wives this way.  Nearly every man at his wedding has the look, but to still see it after years is much rarer of an event.  I remember my neighbor Chris Duvall and how he looks at his wife Debbie, my old pastor Marty Schmidt and how he looks at Jenny, or how my Grandfather looks at my Grandmother, and now how Michael Fletcher looks at his wife Laura.

These men are smitten with their women.

What they have learned is that there are varying degrees of love, and what they feel is beyond the flesh.  We are all going to get old, and physical beauty is going to fade, and if that’s what you have anchored your relationship on, well, my heart goes out to your family and I will pray for you.

Look, I know some of you don’t believe in God, and maybe there are relationships out there that can achieve this level without Him, but i’ve never seen it.  I know that doesn’t mean it can’t happen, but if you want to make it work, if you want to stack the odds in your favor, then you should look to God.

I pray that one day, many years from now, I still look at my wife like these great men do!


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CONUS Battle Drills the Book!


CONUS Battle Drills:  A Guide for Combat Veterans to Corporate Life, Parenthood, and Caging the Beast Inside


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The Christian Soldier

Being a Christian and a soldier has its own particular set of difficulties.  Some may call you a hypocrite, and they would be right but for the wrong reasons.

You see, all of us Christians are necessarily hypocrites.  We proclaim loudly that no one should sin, yet we admit to doing it every day.  That truth holds for me as I suspect it holds for many of you, and therefore as a Christian, I am also a hypocrite.  Being a soldier, however, does not make me a hypocrite.  I can be a soldier and still live as Christ and God expect me to.

Even a cursory glance at the Bible shows that God does not punish the soldier.  Abraham conducts the first recorded night raid to rescue Lot, Saul had his thousands, David his tens of thousands.  Even in the New Testament, John doesn’t tell the repentant centurion that he must quit, and both Peter and Jesus commend Roman soldiers for their faith.

The military is very much the context under which my faith was born.  What started as a ruse to get communion bread in Ranger school resulted in my actually hearing the word of God.  Slowly I began my conversion.

Two groups that typically have larger percentages of religious belief are soldiers and the elderly.  Both groups have come to grips with their own mortality.  I realized this quickly after my first firefight when the whizz and crack of bullets all around me showed me that it was luck, or maybe grace, that one of them didn’t find me as its target.

I accepted that I was indeed going to die one day.  All of us know this intellectually, but to believe and embrace it is quite a different story.  Many people see their eventual death as they get older and their body begins to break down.  As an Infantryman I realized that it really could happen any day, not in an intellectual way, but I knew it…I felt it.

Not everyone is built to do this job.  Some hesitate in a door, some don’t fire, and some will suffer emotionally for years.  Then there are the warriors who move with no apprehension straight into the face of danger and inflict whatever violence is necessary to eradicate the threat.  I’ve come to believe that you need to be designed that way, that’s not something that can be trained or taught.

In my walk with Christ over the years I’ve met men that can preach sermons that bring you to tears, others that give me goose bumps when they pray, and other still that can make music that brings you right into the very presence of God.

Some of us were given a different skill, like Peter who didn’t hesitate to draw and cut off a Roman soldier’s ear when they tried to take Jesus, we shouldn’t hesitate when confronting evil.  Also like Peter, however, we should be willing and able to show mercy, empathy, grace, and love.

Although some evil requires action in the physical realm to eradicate, other types of evil live in man’s heart, and can only be reached with love.  One of the efforts of CONUS Battle Drills is to teach you how to quell that beast so you can find love, compassion and empathy and live it in your daily life.

Violence is a tool, but it shouldn’t be your only tool.  When you lean on Christ you will find many other tools to add to your arsenal and you will not only be able to fulfill your purpose as a warrior but also as a Christian.

Shit Happens When You’re a Dad

This story only has one side…

“Good morning kiddos!”
“I love you too!”
“Well that’s an interesting dream, now go to the bathroom.”

What is that?  Is that shit?  

“Why are you naked? You can’t sit on the couch naked and watch a show. Come get dressed.”
“What do you want for breakfast?”… “No, you can’t have peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”… “Fine…stop crying, I’ll put PB&J on a waffle, how’s that?”

Did the baby just shit his pants? Damn, I just changed his diaper. “Come here Ben! You need another diaper.”

“Alright, let’s get shoes on.” … “Stop screaming, we’re going to the playground.” … “Sure we can go to that one.”
“Is everyone buckled in?”
“Sure, I’ll push you on the swing.”
“Tag! YOU’RE it!”
“Daddy needs a break.”
“Alright, timer’s set for 5 minutes.” … “Stop crying, what do you want for lunch?” … “No, we’re not having McDonald’s again.” … “You had PB&J for breakfast.”

I’m just going to make Hot Dogs, 20 seconds and they’re done. Damn, should’ve emptied the dishwasher earlier.

“Roll up your sleeves please.” … “Stop, you’re getting ketchup everywhere.” … “Ok, time for a show.”

Almost nap time, get lunch cleaned up and this show will be over, then it’ll be quiet and maybe I can sit my fat ass on the couch for a few.

“Why are you naked? Let’s get a pull-up on you.”

What did I just step on? Is that shit? Oh no, if that’s shit I’m holding it in my bare hands. Emily is looking at me like it’s shit. Only one way to find out…whew…wet cocoa puff.

“Get some rest sweetie.” … “I love you too.”
“Time to wake up babies!” … “Yes, we can play upstairs.”

12513865_10208251963000414_2145126624172371101_o Did he shit again? Yep.

“Come here Ben, you need a new diaper.”

What the fuck did he eat? Damn.

“Stay here kids, Daddy has to go to the bathroom.”

Oh, looks like Izzy took a shit and forgot to flush again…next time I’ll use my own bathroom.

“What’cha cooking babe?” … “Smells great!”
“She’s making dinner.” … “It does not smell disgusting Jonathan.”
“Izzy, stop jumping on the trampoline when Ben falls, you’re going to hurt him.”

Why does it smell like shit?

“Jonathan did you fart?” … “It’s not funny.” … “No, get away from me.” … “You’re going to poop your pants, go to the bathroom.” … “Now!”
“Alright, let’s clean up, dinner is ready!”

… “Yes my love.”…“Sorry, forgot to roll up his sleeves, I’ll remember next time.”
“Is that so delicious Izzy?” … “You’re going to get it in your hair like that.”
“Jonathan, sit correctly, you’re going to fall…see? That’s why I tell you to sit correctly every night.” … “No it’s not the chair’s fault.”
“Alright, I’ll clean up.”

Well now I have to empty the dishwasher.

“Yes, I wiped everything down.” … “Sorry, forgot the oven. I’ll do it now.”

How many diapers do we have in this trashcan, damn it smells like shit.

“I’ll be right back, I have to use the bathroom.”

Did Izzy shit in my bathroom too? Damn! We really need to teach that girl to flush.

“Alright, time for bath!”
“Come here naked baby!” … “Yeah, they’re all running around naked.”
“HEY! In the tub! All of you!”
“Stop splashing, you’re getting me wet.”
“Right now you have to pee? Now that you’re all wet?”

Great, this’ll be fun to clean up.

“Alright, go to mommy and daddy’s room so we can get you dressed.” … “You’re cold because you threw your towel off and started running around naked.”
“Bring me a Dr. Seuss book.”… “thank you, thank you, Sam I am…Alright, go get in bed.”
“Goodnight my babies!”
“I love you too.”

“So you wanna get freaky now that they’re asleep?”… “Well, thought I’d ask.”
“Izzy left me a turd in both bathrooms today.”… “I know, the second one was the kicker, I’m still laughing.” … “Well she eats like a man, what do you expect?”
“What do you want to watch?” … “Want to watch another?”
“Love you too, goodnight.”